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spangle provides simple and flexible routing powered by parse .

Static routing

from spangle import Api

api = Api()

class StaticRoute:
    async def on_request(self, req, resp):

Dynamic routing

You can get values from URL by using f-string style routing. To get params in a method, call use_params .

class DynamicRoute(object):
    async def on_request(self, req, resp):
        name = use_params()["name"]
        # `spangle` tries to get a view from static routes first.
        assert name != "page"

class Multiple:
    async def on_request(self, req, resp):
        params = use_params()
        assert "multiple" in params
        assert "allowed" in params

Convert values

View methods accept URL arguments as str by default. You can change this behavior to set converters.


# `default`, `int` and `float` are built-in converters.
# `str` is an alias of `default`.
class IntArg:
    async def on_request(self, req, resp):
        dynamic = use_params()["dynamic"]
        assert isinstance(dynamic, int)

# `default` match does not contain slash(`/`).
# `*rest_string` converter matches any characters including slash.
class SpaView:
    async def on_get(self, req, resp):

# You can define custom converters as `Dict[str,Callable]` .
def month(v:str) -> int:
    m = int(v)
    if not (1<=m<=12):
        raise ValueError

@api.route("/articles-in-{m:month}", converters={"month":month})
class CustomConverter:
    async def on_request(self, req, resp):
        m = use_params()["m"]
        assert 1<=m<=12

# You can use regular expression to set pattern to `converter.pattern` .
def regex(x):
    return x

regex.pattern = r"[A-Za-z]+(/[A-Za-z]+)+"

# convert must start with `*` to include slash for its pattern.
@api.route("/accept/custom-pattern/{path:*regex}", converters={"*regex":regex})
class SlashRequired:
    async def on_request(self, req, resp):
        path = use_params()["path"]
        assert "/" in path

See parse for more details.

Routing Strategies

spangle has 4 strategies about trailing slash.

  • "no_slash" (default): always redirect from /route/ to /route with 308 PERMANENT_REDIRECT .
  • "slash" : always redirect from /route to /route/ with 308 PERMANENT_REDIRECT .
  • "strict" : distinct /route from /route/ .
  • "clone" : return same view between /route and /route/ .

To change default strategy, create Api instance with an argument like Api(routing="clone") .

If you need to set different strategy against views, use route(view, routing="{strategy}") .

@api.route("/flexible/rules", routing="clone")
class Strategy: