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Mount Other ASGI App

If you want to use existing ASGI app in your app, you can nest the app in yours by using Api.mount.

ariadne example

ariadne is a graphql engine written in python that has asynchronous resolvers and query execution. It also works as an ASGI app.

from spangle import Api
from ariadne import make_executable_schema
from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL

# your graphql resolvers.
from mygraphql import type_defs, resolvers

schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, resolvers)
gqlapp = GraphQL(schema)

api= Api()
api.mount("/graphql", gqlapp)

Use Request , Response , and components in mounted app

You can use some spangle objects in a mounted app via scope .

The scope looks like this:

scope = {
    "extensions": {
        "spangle": {
            # for HTTP connection.
            "req": models.Request,
            "resp": models.Response,
            # for WebSocket connection.
            "conn": models.Connection,

To use some components, just call use_component .